Parental Questionnaire Analysis
St Giles’ C.E. Primary School is an established and successful primary school, serving a rich and diverse community. The school has a very distinctive Christian ethos and is inclusive of all faiths, religions and ethnicity. The school is committed to ensuring that all children reach their full potential and is relentless in removing individual barriers to learning that exist either in school or in the home or community. The school works in partnership with parents and strives to continually strengthen links to secure the progress of pupils in school. Analysis of the 2023/24 Parent Questionnaires indicate that the vast majority of parents valued the school and its work in supporting all learners.
Church School/ Worship Questionnaire 2024
"I chose St Giles specifically as it is a faith school, I love their whole school worship on a Friday morning and love the fact that parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend. The school newsletter includes a section on a particular Christian value each term (eg peace) with a story, quiz, talking points etc. to encourage families to interact with their children on a particular value. St Giles has a really good ethos and encourages our children to live and work within Christian morals and values. "
"The school provides my children with opportunities to celebrate their Christian faith in an open environment where other faiths are equally valued."
"Very inclusive school. All races and religions welcomed. Children take part in regular acts of worship and go into Church every week."
"Every child is celebrated as a learner and has access to a rich curriculum."
Parental Questionnaire 2023/24