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Catch-up Funding/Action Tutoring

NTP Lead: Mrs Mavi-presented our journey at the NTP panel at the Festival of Education at Wellington College for two years and at the National Tutoring Summit. In addition, she has also created case studies for two of our DfE Partners-Action Tutoring and Third Space Learning for Maths.

NTP Route 1-Action Tutoring

In School


Y6 Pupils complete an English and Maths programme over two terms- Autumn & Spring –Block of 15 sessions one hour per subject. All pupils complete a baseline prior to the programme so that tutors have a complete picture of their needs and gaps in their knowledge and understanding. This also enables Action Tutoring to group pupils accordingly. Pupils complete the same assessment post tutoring to measure progress and impact. Year 5 pupils complete an English and Maths programme during Summer term-block of 15 sessions one hour per subject.

Pupils are tutored in homogenous ability groups of 2/3 with an online tutor


Each programme supports 24 pupils and is run online with a member of the Action Tutoring organisation supervising the session. Sessions last for one hour and run during the school day, Monday and Friday from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. in the main school hall to ensure high pupil attendance and engagement. The tutoring workbooks have been digitised and uploaded to the platform for the pupils and tutors to work through

NTP Route 1-Third Space Learning

In School


Third Space Learning is the UK’s largest online maths tutoring company for schools. After an initial assessment (zero mission) identifies individual learning gaps, students receive one to one maths support through weekly lessons in an interactive online classroom. Senior leaders and class teachers are kept up to date with student progress and topics covered with weekly reports. This information informs teachers planning and teaching. Long term progress is mapped over the term, year and end of Key Stage.

NTP Route 2-Academic Mentor


In School


FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is a programme that has been developed by FFT and Success for All. The programme is designed for students to receive 30 hours of tutoring across a total of 12 weeks, with daily 30-minute sessions.

The programme provides structured reading activities and practice to address skill development in fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and comprehension.

Pupils work in pairs on a computer taking turns to complete activities and provide feedback to each other.

The programme measures reading fluency by counting Words Correct per Minute in the students’ Power Reader activity and the Tutor Check at the end of each story

School Cost-Learning Village

After School


The Learning Village is an image-based EAL programme

It teaches everyday survival language, curriculum content vocabulary and phonics and spelling too

The programme includes:

    • 10,000+ words and phrases, for speaking, listening, reading and writing
    • image-based learning, to assist learners who are unable to read in their mother tongue
    • excellent support for Special Educational Needs learners
    • techniques to help learners support themselves
    • support for blended learning and for self-study

School Cost-MathsWatch

After School



MathsWatch is the complete online Maths platform that makes learning available to our students 24/7. The platform is fully responsive (adapts to any screen size) and includes videos, online assessments (homework, test, exam), feedback tools, independent learning, printable worksheets to help develop our students' mathematical skills. The academic mentor and one of our Year 6 teachers deliver bespoke tutoring every Thursday for one hour. (3:30-4:30 p.m.)

School Cost-Read, Write, Inc

In School

Read, Write, Inc small group or 1:1 tutoring is offered in addition to the daily session to pupils who are struggling to make the progress at the rate of theirs peers. This tutoring is delivered by trained RWINc tutor and lasts or 10mins-20mins daily or twice a week. This tutoring helps us to meet their individual needs.

Research by the Education Endowment Foundation has proven that small group and one-to-one tuition can boost progress by 3 to 5 months per pupil, and therefore stating that tutoring is one of the most effective ways to address learning gaps, accelerate pupil progress and raise attainment particularly for our PPG pupils.

The very best intervention for catch up is to provide children with the highest   quality teaching that we can offer, built on diagnostic assessment.  With children having missed a significant amount of time in school over the past year, it is       essential to identify where there are gaps in understanding, so teachers can plan effectively to meet individual learning needs.

The use of robust assessment is an important part of effective teaching and     learning, which is why we have invested in quality assessments that will be        administered and analysed each term. (Year 1-6)

NFER Tests :

  • the end result of extensive review, trialling and analysis
  • written in-house by a team of assessment experts
  • written in collaboration with teachers
  • based on a deep knowledge of children’s development and curricula.

Materials are developed by an in-house team of assessment specialists, many with teaching backgrounds. This team has a wealth of experience in developing assessments, both statutory and non-statutory, and this experience, alongside teacher feedback, helps ensure that NFER Tests are of the highest standard.

Assessments will be undertaken at the end of each term and used to ensure learning closely matches the needs of all children through school.

Catch Up and Recovery

Teach First Academic Mentoring (English and Mathematics)

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Action Tutoring pupil video

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The Action Tutoring 2018-19 Impact Report was launched in April 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Reflecting on its contents, Action Tutoring is even more determined to weather the crisis and ensure it can continue to deliver its impactful academic support to the pupils who will so desperately need it.

The pandemic will hit disadvantaged young people incredibly hard, but this report shows how relevant and necessary Action Tutoring is in helping them get back to where they should be.

Key headlines from this latest report demonstrate the value of the charity:

  • Of the primary school pupils the charity supported, 74% met the expected standard in reading and 81% in maths (12% and 14% higher respectively than the national average for disadvantaged pupils).
  • Of the secondary school pupils who attended ten or more Action Tutoring sessions, 61% achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and 58% reached this level in GCSE maths, both exceeding the national average for disadvantaged pupils.
  • All pupils supported by Action Tutoring were at risk of not achieving these standards when they began the tutoring programme.
  • In 2018-19, 1,150 inspiring volunteers supported over 2,500 disadvantaged pupils in 84 schools across seven UK cities.

Many families have the means to provide their children with an effective education at home, or pay for a private tutor, whilst schools are shut. For the young people Action Tutoring supports this is simply not an option.  These are pupils who are already struggling academically and the absence of education, and any other means of support, will simply leave them further behind. It is highly likely the attainment gap will widen further as a result.

For these reasons it’s imperative that we, as a charity, can survive and continue supporting disadvantaged young people.

Tutoring with the Lightning Squad - developed by FFT and Success for All - is a reading tutoring programme where pupils work with a tutor in two cooperative pairs, taking turns as ‘Reader’ and ‘Coach’. The tutoring is a blended approach with in-person tutoring supported by an online tutoring platform. Tutoring activities are designed to improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension, spelling and phonics. Pupils work through 65 specially written, engaging and illustrated stories.

Most pupils spend 12 weeks working on the tutoring programme to catch-up their reading skills, with daily 30-minute tutoring sessions in school (4 pupils working with a tutor). Research has demonstrated that pupils using Tutoring with the Lightning Squad make learning gains of between 3 and 5 months in reading attainment.

Lightning Squad Demo

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Third Space Learning